di Peter Lucantoni This series supports teachers and students of Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a Second Language (0510/0511/0991/0993) The much-anticipated sixth edition of our Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a...
di Tom Bradbury, Mark Fountain, Melissa Thomson Suitable for students of Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a Second Language (0510/0511/0991/0993). Help your students confidently prepare for assessment with the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a...
di Tom Bradbury, Mark Fountain, Melissa Thomson Suitable for students of Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a Second Language (0510/0511/0991/0993). Help your students confidently prepare for assessment with the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a...
di Peter Lucantoni, Lydia Kellas This series supports teachers and students of Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a Second Language (0510/0511/0991/0993) The ideal companion to the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) English as a Second Language...
di David Waller, Victoria Wright, Denise Taylor Support teachers and learners through the Cambridge IGCSE (TM) Information & Communication Technology syllabuses (0983/0417). This coursebook with digital access strengthens practical skills and...
di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw The third edition fully covers both Core and Extended content through the 'spiral' approach, where students build on their previous learning as they progress through the course. In addition to a...
di Karen Morrison This third edition of the core practice book helps your students develop their skills further, whether they are studying in class or at home. A wide variety of exercises, reflection, self-assessment,...
di Karen Morrison, Lucille Dunne This Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics Core and Extended series has been authored to meet the requirements of the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics syllabus (0580/0980), for first examination from 2020....
di Karen Morrison This third edition of the extended practice book helps your students develop their skills further, whether they are studying in class or at home. A wide variety of exercises, reflection,...
di David Sang, Mike Follows, Sheila Tarpey Skills focused series, working towards endorsement, for examination from 2023; inspired by teachers, for teachers. This print and digital coursebook has been developed from extensive research through...
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