di Tom Bradbury, Mark Fountain Prepare for the exam with practice tests written by current examiners. This write-in book contains four new extended practice tests that help students prepare confidently in the weeks before the...
di Tom Bradbury, Mark Fountain Prepare for the exam with practice tests written by current examiners. This write-in book contains four new extended practice tests that help students prepare confidently in the weeks before the...
di Peter Lucantoni, Lydia Kellas Supports students studying for Cambridge IGCSE (R) English as a Second Language (ESL). The ideal companion to the coursebook, the write-in workbook corresponds clearly with the coursebook and...
di Medi Houghton, Matthew Bryant, Veenu Jain The only endorsed resources for the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Enterprise (0454) syllabus. Bringing the world of business into the classroom, this coursebook helps students identify, plan, implement and...
di Marian Cox Up-to-date resources providing full coverage of Cambridge IGCSE (R) First Language English (0500 and 0522) for first examination in 2015. This Fourth edition Coursebook is designed to support the...
di David Davies A comprehensive second edition of Cambridge IGCSE (R) Geography, revised for first examination from 2016. The only revision guide endorsed by Cambridge International Examinations for the 0460...
di Victoria Wright, Denise Taylor This comprehensive resource is written to cover the Cambridge IGCSE ICT syllabus (0417). Cambridge IGCSE ICT Second Edition provides a complete course for developing and practising the skills...
di Victoria Wright, Denise Taylor This comprehensive resource is written to cover the Cambridge IGCSE ICT syllabus (0417). Cambridge IGCSE (R) ICT Second edition provides a complete course for developing and practising the skills...
di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw This Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics Core and Extended series has been authored to meet the requirements of the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics syllabus (0580/0980), for first examination from 2020....
di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw Revised edition of the IGCSE Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook for the 0580 syllabus for examination from 2015. The Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook plus IGCSE...
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