di Roger Wiegand, Graham J. Leuschke Provides a comprehensive treatment of the representation theory of maximal Cohen-Macaulay (MCM) modules over local rings. This topic is at the intersection of commutative algebra, singularity theory,...
di Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Vitali D. Milman, Apostolos Giannopoulos Presents the theory of asymptotic geometric analysis, a field which lies on the border between geometry and functional analysis. A central theme in this book is the interaction of randomness and...
di Takeshi Saito This is the second volume of the book on the proof of Fermat\'s Last Theorem by Wiles and Taylor (the first volume is published in the same series). Here the detail of the proof announced in the...
di Takeshi Saito Presents in full detail the proof of Fermat\'s Last Theorem given by Wiles and Taylor. With these two books, the reader will be able to see the whole picture of the proof to appreciate one of the...
di Takeshi Saito This book, together with the companion volume, Fermat\'s Last Theorem: The Proof , presents in full detail the proof of Fermat\'s Last Theorem given by Wiles and Taylor. With these two books, the...
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