di Vladimir I. Bogachev Provides a systematic exposition of the modern theory of Gaussian measures. It presents complete and detailed proofs fundamental facts about finite and infinite dimensional Gaussian distributions....
di Eli Glasner Offers an introduction to modern ergodic theory. It emphasizes a new approach that relies on the technique of joining two (or more) dynamical systems. This approach has proved to be fruitful in many...
di Roger Wiegand, Graham J. Leuschke Provides a comprehensive treatment of the representation theory of maximal Cohen-Macaulay (MCM) modules over local rings. This topic is at the intersection of commutative algebra, singularity theory,...
di Alek Vainshtein, Michael Shapiro, Michael Gekhtman The first book devoted to cluster algebras, this work contains chapters on Poisson geometry and Schubert varieties; an introduction to cluster algebras and their main properties; and geometric...
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