di Mary Jones, Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge The Cambridge IGCSE (R) Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences series is tailored to the 0653 and 0654 syllabuses for first examination in 2019, and all components of the series are endorsed by Cambridge...
di Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge The Cambridge IGCSE (R) Combined and Co-ordinated Sciences series is tailored to the 0653 and 0654 syllabuses for first examination in 2019, and all components of the series are endorsed by Cambridge...
di Richard Harwood, Ian Lodge This edition of our successful series to support the Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry syllabus (0620) is fully updated for the revised syllabus from first examination from 2016. The Cambridge IGCSE (R)...
di Richard Fosbery, Gareth Williams The Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Essential Biology Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course and provides a clear, step-by-step route though the syllabus that is ideal for EAL learners....
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