di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw The third edition fully covers both Core and Extended content through the 'spiral' approach, where students build on their previous learning as they progress through the course. In addition to a...
di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw This Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics Core and Extended series has been authored to meet the requirements of the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics syllabus (0580/0980), for first examination from 2020....
di Karen Morrison, Nick Hamshaw This Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics Core and Extended series has been authored to meet the requirements of the Cambridge IGCSE (R) Mathematics syllabus (0580/0980), for first examination from 2020....
di Nick Kenny, Jacky Newbrook Practice Tests Plus offer teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge English exams. Practice Tests Plus provide authentic practice, comprehensive guidance and strategies for...
di Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque Mortimer The Practice Tests Plus series provides authentic practice for the Cambridge English Preliminary exam, including complete tests with guidance and useful tips which maximise learners' chances of...
di Nick Kenny, Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer, Lucrecia Luque Mortimer The Practice Tests Plus series provides authentic practice for the Cambridge English Preliminary exam, including complete tests with guidance and useful tips which maximise learners' chances of...
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