di Greg Byrd, Lynn Byrd, Chris Pearce This brightly illustrated coursebook for Stage 7 offers comprehensive coverage of all topics in the syllabus. This edition comes with a one-year subscription to the Checkpoint Maths 7 Cambridge...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. Packed with activities including puzzles, ordering and matching, these workbooks help you...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. Packed with activities including interpreting and drawing frequency diagrams and solving...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks. Packed with activities including completing equations and writing decimal equivalents of...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Whether you're learning about integers, fractions and probability or collecting data, graphs and decimals, this series helps you develop your mathematical thinking skills. You'll be fully supported...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Whether you're learning about distance, area and volume or translating shapes using vectors, this series helps you develop your mathematical thinking skills. You'll be fully supported with worked...
di Lynn Byrd, Greg Byrd, Chris Pearce Whether you're learning about decimals, percentages and rounding or probability and ratio, this series helps you develop your mathematical thinking skills. You'll be fully supported with worked...
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