di George Samuel Clason Read by millions, this timeless book holds that the key to success lies in the secrets of the ancients. Based on the famous "Babylonian principles," it's been hailed as the greatest of all...
di George Orwell This new centennial edition is the masterpiece of rebellion and imprisonment, where war is peace, freedom is slavery, and Big Brother is watching.
di Rohde Ulrich L., Vendelin George D., Pavio Anthony M. Der erfolgreiche Leitfaden der Mikrowellenschaltkreise - jetzt als überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage! Abgedeckt werden alle Aspekte der Transistoren: intrinsische und...
di Bejan Adrian, Tsatsaronis George, Moran Michael This book provides a clear presentation of the thermal energy process topics of heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics as they are applied to design systems practices which include...
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