di Rogers Donald W "I am enthusiastic about this book. It treats a standard topic for chemistry graduate students from a unique perspective in which one learns about the basics of statistical mechanics while at the...
di Wittgenstein Ludwig, James Klagge, Brown Donald A. For Wittgenstein, philosophy was an on-going activity. Only in his dialog with the philosophical community and in his private moments does Wittgenstein's philosophical practice fully come to light.
di Richard Freeman, Freeman Donald Doing Teacher Research is one volume of the authoritative 13-title TeacherSource series. The author examines the issue from three distinct perspectives: Teachers' Voices, which are authentic accounts...
di Ares Manuel, Rio Donald C., Gregory J. Hannon Almost all molecular and cellular biology laboratories now handle RNA and this manual is an authoritative source of information and protocols for this purpose, from the basic to the advanced. It is...
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