di Carolyn Barraclough, Suzanne Gaynor 9 units and a Starter unit with 72-120 hours of teaching material 12 pages per unit Video (Drama, BBC Vox Pops and BBC Culture) with every unit One lesson per page (or opening), one skill focus per...
di Carolyn Barraclough The Student's Book contains: Ten units: nine topic-based units and a tenth, review unit in exam task format Exam-like tasks are marked with an icon for ease of identification Additional vocabulary...
di Carolyn Barraclough The Student's Book contains: Ten units: nine topic-based units and a tenth, review unit in exam task format Exam-like tasks are marked with an icon for ease of identification Additional vocabulary...
di Carolyn Barraclough, Megan Roderick Topic-based units offer thorough input and practice of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, with vocabulary and grammar presented in situations which exemplify their meaning and use. -...
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