di Tomlinson Michael, Nixon Caroline Seven games and activities designed to make learning fun and encourage real communication in the Primary classroom.
di Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson This photocopiable resource book makes pronunciation in the primary classroom fun. As part of the Cambridge Copy Collection, each activity contains a clear, step-by-step lesson plan explaining how to...
di Tomlinson Michael, Nixon Caroline NIXON PRIMARY READING BOX: Are you keen for your students to develop good reading skills from an early age? Are you constantly looking for suitable texts to use in the classroom? Do you need...
di Tomlinson Michael, Nixon Caroline NIXON PRIMARY COMMUNICATION BOX: Would you like to give your pupils more opportunities to speak to each other in English? Are you looking for fun activities that you know they will enjoy? Do you need...
di Michael Tomlinson, Caroline Nixon NIXON KID'S BOX 1 PUPIL'S BOOK: Kid's Box is a six-level course for young learners. Bursting with bright ideas to inspire both teachers and students, Kid's Box gives children a confident start to...
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