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Mindset for IELTS Level 3 Student's Book with Testbank and Online Modules: An Official Cambridge IELTS Course

Mindset for IELTS Level 3 Student's Book with Testbank and Online Modules: An Official Cambridge IELTS Course

di Greg Archer, Claire Wijayatilake
MINDSET, the multi-level course from the organisation that produces the IELTS test, develops students' English skills and leaves them fully prepared for test day. MINDSET from Cambridge gets you...
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Prezzo: € 33,80
ISBN: 9781316649268
Anno Edizione:
Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology: Print and Enhanced Online Student Book Pack Fourth Edition

Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology: Print and Enhanced Online Student Book Pack Fourth Edition

di Ron Pickering
The Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology Print and Enhanced Online Student Book Pack is at the heart of delivering the course and offers a rigorous approach, with a light touch to make it...
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Prezzo: € 36,70
ISBN: 9781382005753
Collana: Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology
Anno Edizione:
Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology: Student Book Fourth Edition

Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology: Student Book Fourth Edition

di Ron Pickering
The Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Biology Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course. It has been fully updated and matched to the latest Cambridge IGCSE (0610) & O Level (5090)...
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Prezzo: € 35,70
ISBN: 9781382005760
Anno Edizione:
Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Essential Biology: Student Book Third Edition

Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Essential Biology: Student Book Third Edition

di Richard Fosbery, Gareth Williams
The Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Essential Biology Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course and provides a clear, step-by-step route though the syllabus that is ideal for EAL learners....
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Prezzo: € 33,30
ISBN: 9781382006033
Collana: Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Essential Biology
Anno Edizione:
Cambridge English First for Schools

Cambridge English First for Schools

di Cengage Cengage
Cambridge English for Schools Practice Tests have been designed to familiarise students with the level and format of the Cambridge English Key, Preliminary and First for Schools examinations with...
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Prezzo: € 0,00
Editore: Cengage Learning EMEA
ISBN: 9781408096000
Anno Edizione:
Level 3:Notting Hill Book & MP3 Pack: Industrial Ecology

Level 3:Notting Hill Book & MP3 Pack: Industrial Ecology

di Richard Curtis
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers...
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Prezzo: € 9,05
Editore: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 9781447925712
Collana: Pearson English Graded Readers
Anno Edizione:
Level 4: About a Boy Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack: Industrial Ecology

Level 4: About a Boy Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack: Industrial Ecology

di Nick Hornby
This reader is accompanied with a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format. Will Freeman wants an easy life with no responsibilities. But then he meets Marcus - an unusual twelve...
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Prezzo: € 10,10
ISBN: 9781447967668
Collana: Pearson English Active Readers
Anno Edizione:
Arrigoni e il caso di piazzale Loreto

Arrigoni e il caso di piazzale Loreto

di Dario Crapanzano
In una gelida mattina di dicembre, nei pressi di via Porpora, il corpo di una giovane e bella donna bionda viene ritrovato senza vita all'interno della sua Topolino amaranto. L'autopsia rivela che è...
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Prezzo: € 14,00
Editore: Mondadori
ISBN: 9788804741244
Collana: Il giallo Mondadori
Anno Edizione:


Prezzo: € 6,00
ISBN: 9788880171744
Anno Edizione:

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Prezzo: € 5,22
ISBN: 9788809150058
Anno Edizione: