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Questa categoria contiene 384.063 libri catalogati nelle seguenti sezioni:
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Rainbow Bridge: Level 4: Students Book and Workbook

Rainbow Bridge: Level 4: Students Book and Workbook

Students will love exploring the imaginary Kingdom of Albion with their new friends Dylan, Briana and Max. Stories based on British legends and the adventures of a diverse cast of characters capture...
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Prezzo: € 7,31
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194118446
Collana: Rainbow Bridge
Anno Edizione:
Project Explore: Level 3: Student's Book

Project Explore: Level 3: Student's Book

Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find...
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Prezzo: € 28,20
ISBN: 9780194255721
Collana: Project Explore
Anno Edizione:
Project Explore: Level 3: Workbook with Online Practice

Project Explore: Level 3: Workbook with Online Practice

Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find...
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Prezzo: € 16,80
ISBN: 9780194256322
Collana: Project Explore
Anno Edizione:
Oxford Children's Picture Dictionary for learners of English: A topic-based dictionary for young learners

Oxford Children's Picture Dictionary for learners of English: A topic-based dictionary for young learners

On every page, you'll find conversation-based activities that draw on children's everyday experiences, making learning relevant and memorable. The audio CD includes 20 songs, helping students to...
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Prezzo: € 15,10
ISBN: 9780194340458
Anno Edizione:
Headway: Advanced: Student's Book A with Online Practice

Headway: Advanced: Student's Book A with Online Practice

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with...
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Prezzo: € 47,93
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194547659
Collana: Headway
Anno Edizione:
Headway: Advanced: Student's Book B with Online Practice

Headway: Advanced: Student's Book B with Online Practice

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with...
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Prezzo: € 18,80
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194547697
Collana: Headway
Anno Edizione:
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: Anne of Green Gables audio pack

Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: Anne of Green Gables audio pack

di Montgomery
"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story." David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.
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Prezzo: € 8,10
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194620741
Collana: Oxford Bookworms Library
Anno Edizione:
Dominoes: One: Five Canterbury Tales Audio Pack

Dominoes: One: Five Canterbury Tales Audio Pack

di Geoffrey Chaucer
Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized...
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Prezzo: € 9,10
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194639361
Collana: Dominoes
Anno Edizione:
Dominoes: One: Peter Pan Audio Pack

Dominoes: One: Peter Pan Audio Pack

di Barrie Bill Bowler
Dominoes is a full-colour, interactive readers series that offers students a fun reading experience while building their language skills. With integrated activities, and exciting, fully dramatized...
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Prezzo: € 9,80
ISBN: 9780194639446
Collana: Dominoes
Anno Edizione:
Learn With Us: Level 2: Class Book

Learn With Us: Level 2: Class Book

All about real life Students share the experiences of everyday life alongside a real English-speaking schoolchild, activating their curiosity and making learning memorable. All about working together...
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Prezzo: € 17,80
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194908436
Collana: Learn With Us
Anno Edizione: