IndiceCesare Molinari, PrefaceAbstractsRichard Woodfield, Some Reflections on Theatre IconographyLyckle de Vries, Theatre iconography: Is it possible? Cesare Molinari, Notes about Series in Theatre IconographyMaria Ines Aliverti, Plus théâtral que le théâtre. Stratégies de l'imaginaire et images pour un théâtre à venir de Diderot à CraigMartine de Rougemont, La théâtraité- relève-t-elle du visible? Questions sur l'illustration théatraleThomas A. Pallen, Caveat emptor: A reinvestigation of Jean Fouquet's The Martyrdom of Saint ApoioniaSandra Pietrini, Iconographical Models in Various Contexts: the Roman Theatre in a French Manuscript of Titus LiviusM.A. Katritzky, Theatre iconography in costume series: The New York friendship albumRenzo Guardenti, The iconograpby of the Commedia dell'Arte: figurative recurrences and the organization of the repertoryAnne Surgers, Le corps éloquent de l'acteur en jeu au XVIIe siècle, à partir du Jugement de Salomon de Nicolas Poussin (1649): figures de la rbétorique du visibleCatherlne Guillot, Les images-séries du roi de tragédie au XVIIe siècle et la questiqn de la théâtralité du pouvoir politiqueGtinther Herg, Thèâthre imagé. Diderot et Consort. Quelques pièes sur la relation intermediale entre les arts similaires du thèâthre et de la peintureKatl Röttger, The Devil's Eye: Goethe, Faust and the Laterna MagicaMaria Chiara Barbieri, Iconographical sources of a post-mortem image of John Philip KembleShearerWest, Pperformance and Display: The Actress on Stage at the Royal AcademyMartin Meisel, The Eye and the Bebolder: Daumier's Le Drame and the Making of AudiencesCesare Molinari, Daumier and Robert MacaireLaurence Senelick, Theatricality before the camera: The earliest photographs of ActorsCarol Ockman, Sarah, Bernhardt Death and the IconClaudia Balk, Tbeatricality' and photography-iconographic similarities in nineteenth-century role portraits: postures, costumes and spatial situationsChristophet Balme, Moving Media: Theatre Iconography and its LimitsBiographical NotesIndex of illustrations
Prezzo: € 33,57
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Titolo: European theatre iconography. Con CD-ROM
Editore: Bulzoni
Data di Pubblicazione: 2002
Pagine: 400
Formato: illustrato
ISBN: 9788883197185