Bologna annual 2003. Non fiction

This is the official catalogue of the 2003 Fiction Illustrators Exhibition, showcasing recent work by 41 of the finest illustrators of children's non fiction from around the world. The pictures were chosen for their originality, their artistic and technical merit, and their ability to present visual information in a factual, accessible, and entertaining way. Along with the artwork, the catalogue includes essential biographical information about the artists represented and interviews with jury members, making this an ideal reference for all who delight in contemporary children's book illustration. "The 2003 Bologna annual - Non Fiction" also features art by guest of honour Robert Ingpen. An unprecedented number of illustrators took part in the Illustrators Exhibition organised by the Bologna Children's Book Fair this year. The panel of judges - a team of internationally respected publishers and art school professors-selected 126 artists out of 2.779 participants from all over the world. 'Agreeing to be part of this jury was more complex than any of us initially thought. So many questions arose out of what seemed to be relatively straightforward process, and reconciling our different concerns was not simple or comfortable. Yet the discussions about illustration that come about as a result of these three days' work will resonate beyond this season's fair. We hope this jury report and the images presented in this catalogue bring illustration in children's books to you in such a way as to actively engage your imagination." (from the 2003 Jury Report)


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Titolo: Bologna annual 2003. Non fiction
Editore: Nord Sud
Data di Pubblicazione: 0
ISBN: 9788882035815