Universal declaration of human rights. Ediz. multilingue

Roberto Lanterio

The "Universal declaration of human rights" was approved by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. It was a historic event: for the first time, the international community was taking responsibility for the defence and promotion of specific rights, regarded as the basic elements of human coexistence. The UDHR offered a new perspective, establishing defence of human rights as central to the pursuit of a world free from fear and based on justice, and establishing the indissoluble link between respect of human rights and the very survival of mankind. (Sergio Travi - Board Amnesty Intemational - Italian Section Chair of the Standing Committee for Human Rights Education and Training)


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Titolo: Universal declaration of human rights. Ediz. multilingue
Autore: Roberto Lanterio
Editore: Modern Publishing House
Data di Pubblicazione: 2007
Pagine: 96
Formato: Brossura
ISBN: 9788849304923