Kant writes at one point in the Critique of Pure Reason that practical freedom can be recognized "through experience, as one of the natural causes" (B 831). This claim appears to conflict with a central epistemological theme of his critical philosophy. This work responds by carefully tracing the details of the relationship between transcendental and practical freedom through all of Kanta (TM)s writings (published works, lecture notes, etc.). It turns out that Kant uses the term a oepractical freedoma Za in several quite different senses and draws on pre-critical theses to varying degrees.
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Titolo: Kants Begriff Transzendentaler Und Praktischer Freiheit: Eine Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Studie
Buchenau Stefanie,
Desmond Hogan
Editore: Walter de Gruyter
Data di Pubblicazione: 2005
Pagine: 00178
ISBN: 9783110184532