Political essays by Jack London. --- "As yet, to the average bourgeois mind, socialism is merely a menace, vague and formless. The average member of the capitalist class, when he discusses socialism, is condemned an ignoramus out of his own mouth. He does not know the literature of socialism, its philosophy, nor its politics. He wags his head sagely and rattles the dry bones of dead and buried ideas. His lips mumble mouldy phrases, such as, 'Men are not born equal and never can be;' 'It is Utopian and impossible;' 'Abstinence should be rewarded;' 'Man will first have to be born again;' 'Cooperative colonies have always failed;' and 'What if we do divide up? in ten years there would be rich and poor men such as there are today.' It surely is time that the capitalists knew something about this socialism that they feel menaces them." (Jack London)
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Titolo: War of the Classes. Revolution. The Shrinkage of the Planet.
Jack London
Editore: MONDIAL
Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
Pagine: 00104
Formato: 2
ISBN: 9781595690401