A highly successful text and professional resource, this classic work is now in a fully revised and restructured third edition. Leading geographers and urban planners present the foundational concepts and methodological tools that readers need to understand and engage with today's pressing policy issues. Covered are such key topics as passenger and freight dynamics in the American metropolis; the urban transportation planning process, including the use of GIS; and questions related to public transit, land use, energy, equity, environmental impacts, and more. Updated throughout with a heightened emphasis on policy--and featuring over 100 maps, charts, and photographs--the third edition contains new chapters on intercity travel and transportation finance. In addition, a new concluding chapter integrates key themes and provides some practical approaches to solving urban transportation problems.
Prezzo: € 88,98
Prodotto al momento non disponibile.
Titolo: The Geography of Urban Transportation
Editore: Guilford Press
Data di Pubblicazione: 2004
Pagine: 419
Formato: Copertina rigida
ISBN: 9781593850555