Business Partner B1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack - Margaret O'Keeffe, Lewis Lansford, Evan Frendo 9781292233543

Business Partner B1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack

Margaret O'Keeffe, Lewis Lansford, Evan Frendo

The coursebook includes: Eight units with five lessons each Eight case study business workshop lessons relating to each of the eight units A review each unit revises key language and grammar Pronunciation practice for each unit Detailed grammar reference Video and audio scripts A glossary of key business vocabulary Coursebook video and audio material is available online in the Digital Resources The following digital resources are available on the MyEnglishLab platform Coursebook video clips and scripts Coursebook audio recordings and scripts Workbook audio recordings and scripts Extra Coursebook activities (pdfs) Interactive video activities and interactive grammar presentation and practice Reading bank Writing bank Functional language bank My Self-Assessment for students to record their progress Samples Download the table of contents Preview sample pages from Business Partner B1


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Titolo: Business Partner B1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack
Autore: Margaret O'Keeffe, Lewis Lansford, Evan Frendo
Data di Pubblicazione: 0
Formato: copertina-morbida
ISBN: 9781292233543