Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa

Gloppen Siri, Roberto Gargarella, Wilson Bruce M.

Why do courts hold political power-holders accountable in some democratic and democratizing countries, but not in others? And, why do some courts remain very timid while others--under seemingly similar circumstances--become "hyper-active"? These are questions of central theoretical and practical importance in a context of increasing juridification of politics in many parts of the world, combined with persisting problems of holding elected leaders to account. This book contributes to the ongoing debate over the institutionalization of democratic accountability and examines the "accountability function" exercised by higher courts in Latin America and Africa.


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Titolo: Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa
Autore: Gloppen Siri, Roberto Gargarella, Wilson Bruce M.
Editore: Palgrave MacMillan
Data di Pubblicazione: 2010
Pagine: 00231
Formato: 2
ISBN: 9780230621008