The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance at NASA - Diane Vaughan 9780226851761

The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance at NASA

Diane Vaughan

List of Figures and TablesPreface1: The Eve of the Launch 2: Learning Culture, Revising History 3: Risk, Work Group Culture, and the Normalization of Deviance 4: The Normalization of Deviance, 1981-1984 5: The Normalization of Deviance, 1985 6: The Culture of Production 7: Structural Secrecy 8: The Eve of the Launch Revisited 9: Conformity and Tragedy 10: Lessons Learned Appendix A. Cost/Safety Trade-Offs? Scrapping the Escape Rockets and the SRB Contract Award Decision Appendix B. Supporting Charts and Documents Appendix C. On Theory Elaboration, Organizations, and Historical EthnographyAcknowledgments Notes Bibliography Index


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Titolo: The Challenger Launch Decision: Risky Technology, Culture, and Deviance at NASA
Autore: Diane Vaughan
Editore: University of Chicago Press
Data di Pubblicazione: 1997
Pagine: 00575
Formato: 2
ISBN: 9780226851761