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Questa sezione contiene 49 libri
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Men and the Boys

Men and the Boys

di Connell R. W., Raewyn Connell
"This book breaks new ground and expands the discourse on masculinities. Connell is an energetic scholar whose eclectic internationalist, sociological, historical, and even psychoanalytic...
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Prezzo: € 27,59
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520228696
Anno Edizione: 2001
The Great American Thing – Modern Art & National Identity 1915–1935

The Great American Thing – Modern Art & National Identity 1915–1935

di Corn Wanda M
"Wanda Corn's work is a triumph, and will be a welcome and provocative addition to the literature of modernism. Each section is studded with keen insights to key players of the decade and the forces...
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Prezzo: € 50,40
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520231993
Collana: Ahmanson-Murphy Fine Arts Book
Anno Edizione: 2001
A Translucent Mirror – History & Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology

A Translucent Mirror – History & Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology

di Crossley Pamela Kyle
A careful reconstruction of the emergence of Manchu identity that will compel a complete revision of the Western understanding of Chinese conceptions of emperorship and nationhood in both the late...
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Prezzo: € 32,30
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520234246
Anno Edizione: 2002
Unfortunately, It was Paradise – Selected Poems 2e

Unfortunately, It was Paradise – Selected Poems 2e

di Darwish Mahmoud
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Prezzo: € 28,50
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520273030
Anno Edizione: 2013
Memory for Forgetfulness – August, Beirut,1982 2e

Memory for Forgetfulness – August, Beirut,1982 2e

di Darwish Mahmoud
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Prezzo: € 26,60
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520273047
Collana: Literature of the Middle East
Anno Edizione: 2013
Beethoven & Construction of Genius – Musical Politics in Vienna 1792 – 1803 (Paper)

Beethoven & Construction of Genius – Musical Politics in Vienna 1792 – 1803 (Paper)

di Denora Tia
This provocative book places the life and career of Ludwig van Beethoven within a social context, and reconceptualizes the notion of genius. DeNora recreates Vienna's robust musical scene through...
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Prezzo: € 30,40
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520211582
Anno Edizione: 1997
From the Soil – The Foundations of Chinese Society (Paper)

From the Soil – The Foundations of Chinese Society (Paper)

di Fei Xiaotong
"A lucid and fascinating work about Chinese society and values. Fei's account of how China differs from the West is every bit as telling now as it was when this book was first published almost half a...
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Prezzo: € 25,70
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520077966
Anno Edizione: 1992
The Castrato – Reflections on Natures and Kinds

The Castrato – Reflections on Natures and Kinds

di Feldman Martha
The Castrato is the first book to explore in depth why innumerable boys were castrated for singing between the mid-sixteenth and late-nineteenth centuries. It shows that although the practice formed...
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Prezzo: € 57,10
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520279490
Collana: Ernest Bloch Lectures in Music
Anno Edizione: 2015
ReOrient – Global Economy in the Asian Age (Paper)

ReOrient – Global Economy in the Asian Age (Paper)

di Frank Andre Gunder
"Frank shows how Marx and Weber got it all wrong. A fundamental rethinking of the rise of the West and the origin of the world-system. Absolutely essential to understanding world history."--Albert...
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Prezzo: € 32,30
Editore: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520214743
Anno Edizione: 1998
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