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Questa sezione contiene 2 libri
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The Joys of Motherhood

The Joys of Motherhood

di Emechta Buchi
Nnu Ego is devoted to her children, giving them all her life -- with the result that she finds herself friendless and alone in middle age.
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Prezzo: € 15,98
Editore: Pearson P T R
ISBN: 9780435913540
Collana: African Writers
Anno Edizione: 2008
The River Between

The River Between

di Ngugi Wa Thiong'O
Christian missionaries attempt to outlaw the female circumcision ritual and in the process create a terrible rift between the two Kikuyu communities on either side of the river.
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Prezzo: € 16,98
Editore: Pearson P T R
ISBN: 9780435905484
Collana: African Writers
Anno Edizione: 1990