di Max is getting ready to go outside and play in the snow. The children will see what clothes he should wear to keep him warm and dry! Illustrated by Amelia Rosato
di Buchi Emecheta When an abandoned baby girl is adopted by the Reverend Arlington, a Nigerian woman living in England decides that the Arlingtons would provide the right Christian home for her own baby. But Chester...
di Leila Aboulela Although they work in the same department at Aberdeen University, she as a translator, he as a lecturer in Postcolonial Politics, Sammar and Rae live in worlds divided by simple facts
di Roald Dahl One of a series of top-quality fiction for schools. One small boy and his grandmother try to prevent the terrible witches from turning all the children into mice.
di Chinua Achebe \'Things Fall Apart\' tells the story of Okonkwo, an important man in the Igbo tribe in the days when white men were first on the scene. Okonkwo becomes exiled from his tribe, as a result of his...
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