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Oxford Practice Grammar: Advanced: with Key: The right balance of English grammar explanation and practice for your language level

Oxford Practice Grammar: Advanced: with Key: The right balance of English grammar explanation and practice for your language level

di George Yule
Oxford Practice Grammar knows that students need different types of explanation and practice at each stage of their study. Advanced gives challenging practice activities and in-depth explanations....
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Prezzo: € 36,80
ISBN: 9780194214766
Collana: Oxford Practice Grammar
Anno Edizione:
Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Chemistry: Student Book Fourth Edition

Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Chemistry: Student Book Fourth Edition

di RoseMarie Gallagher, Paul Ingram
The Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Chemistry Student Book is at the heart of delivering the course. It has been fully updated and matched to the latest Cambridge IGCSE (0620) & O Level (5070)...
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Prezzo: € 35,70
ISBN: 9781382005852
Collana: Cambridge IGCSE (R) & O Level Complete Chemistry
Anno Edizione:
Complete English for Cambridge Lower Secondary Student Workbook 8 (First Edition)

Complete English for Cambridge Lower Secondary Student Workbook 8 (First Edition)

di Tony Parkinson, Alan Jenkins
The Complete English 8 Workbook provides support for the previous Cambridge Lower Secondary English curriculum. The Workbook reinforces understanding and consolidates classroom learning with extra,...
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Prezzo: € 11,80
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198364696
Anno Edizione:
Grammar Friends: 4: Student Book

Grammar Friends: 4: Student Book

The step-by-step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use and meaning in a way that even young beginner learners can understand and remember. The series was written to support the...
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Prezzo: € 13,80
ISBN: 9780194780032
Collana: Grammar Friends
Anno Edizione:
Headway: Intermediate: Student's Book B with Online Practice

Headway: Intermediate: Student's Book B with Online Practice

Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with...
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Prezzo: € 33,12
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780194529228
Collana: Headway
Anno Edizione:
Complete English for Cambridge Lower Secondary Student Workbook 9 (First Edition)

Complete English for Cambridge Lower Secondary Student Workbook 9 (First Edition)

di Tony Parkinson, Alan Jenkins
The Complete English 9 Workbook provides support for the previous Cambridge Lower Secondary English curriculum. The Workbook reinforces understanding and consolidates classroom learning with extra,...
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Prezzo: € 11,80
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198364702
Anno Edizione:
Complete Physics for Cambridge Lower Secondary Workbook (First Edition)

Complete Physics for Cambridge Lower Secondary Workbook (First Edition)

di Helen Reynolds
The Complete Physics Workbook provides support for the physics element of the previous Cambridge Lower Secondary Science curriculum. The Workbook is suitable for independent study and helps students...
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Prezzo: € 11,80
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198390251
Anno Edizione:
Oxford Student's Dictionary: The complete intermediate- to advanced-level dictionary for learners of English

Oxford Student's Dictionary: The complete intermediate- to advanced-level dictionary for learners of English

di Leonie Hey
Updated with the latest vocabulary, NEW Writing and Speaking Tutor, and NEW Oxford 3000 (TM) and Oxford 5000 (TM) keywords, the Oxford Student's Dictionary helps students learn the most important...
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Prezzo: € 40,60
ISBN: 9780194406147
Anno Edizione:
Oxford School Atlas

Oxford School Atlas

di Patrick Wiegand
The Oxford School Atlas includes country data and easy-to-read colourful mapping, presented in an accessible visual layout based on research into how students use maps. The atlas covers key...
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Prezzo: € 13,54
Editore: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199137022
Anno Edizione:
Life Vision: Pre-Intermediate: Workbook: Your success. Now and in the future

Life Vision: Pre-Intermediate: Workbook: Your success. Now and in the future

Life Vision is built on a carefully-levelled and consistent grammar and vocabulary syllabus aligned to the CEFR. Packed with rich video features, Life Vision is ideally suited to today's teenagers,...
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Prezzo: € 33,00
ISBN: 9780194063067
Collana: Life Vision
Anno Edizione:
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