di Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson The Activity Book, now in colour, covers the target language from the Pupil's Book. One exam practice activity per unit familiarises children with the format of the Cambridge English Qualification...
di Caroline Nixon, Michael Tomlinson The Class Book presents and practises new language through entertaining stories, fantastic songs and activities. It unlocks Digital Pack which includes activities and games for extra language...
di Stanley Graham La serie Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers , ora con più di 40 titoli, fornisce un'incursione nelle teorie correnti sull'insegnamento dell'inglese, nonché idee pratiche e attività...
di Paul Griffiths A major study of the transformation of early modern London. By focusing on policing, prosecution, and the language and perceptions of the authorities and the underclasses, Paul Griffiths explores the...
di Maria Grazia Ferrari, Cinzia Macchia Create an inclusive learning environment through learning strategies, games and dynamic activities making sure all students are achieving success! Inspire passion with a window on the English...
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