di Jane Boylan, Claire Medwell Cambridge Global English (1-6) is a six-level Primary course following the Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment....
di Chris Barker, Libby Mitchell Cambridge Global English Stages 7-9 follow the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language (ESL) Curriculum Framework. Workbook 7 is organised into eighteen thematic units of study based...
di Fiona Baxter, Liz Dilley Cambridge Primary Science is a flexible, engaging course written specifically for the Cambridge Primary Science curriculum framework. This Activity Book for Stage 6 contains exercises to support each...
di Cambridge English First for Schools 2 contains four tests for the First for Schools exam, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. These examination papers for the Cambridge...
di Raymond Murphy, Lelio Pallini The world's best-selling grammar series for learners of English. Essential Grammar in Use Italian edition is a self-study reference and practice book for elementary-level learners of English (A1-B1)....
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