di Keely Laycock Skills-focused resources to support the study of Cambridge IGCSE (R) and O Level Global Perspectives, for first examination in 2018. Feel confident exploring key global issues from multiple...
di Keely Laycock This series has been developed for the Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives Curriculum Framework (1129). This learner's skills book for Stage 7 has been created to help students develop key...
di Keely Laycock This series has been developed for the Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives Curriculum Framework (1129). This Stage 8 learner's skills book helps students develop key 21st century skills...
di Keely Laycock This series has been developed for the Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives Curriculum Framework (1129). This Stage 9 learner's skills book helps students develop key 21st century skills,...
di Katia Carter, Tim Carter Cambridge IGCSE (R) Core English as a Second Language series has a strong focus on contextualised grammar and vocabulary and will help students who want to succeed at Core IGCSE level. The Coursebook...
di Katia Carter, Tim Carter This book supports students preparing for Cambridge International Examinations IGCSE English as a Second Language (0510 / 0511 / 0991). The full-colour exam preparation and practice book contains...
di Kathryn Harper, Gabrielle Pritchard A fun course to get young children ready to learn in English. Themed units - from 'homes' to 'play time' - teach children letters, colours, numbers and more. Each book covers one term and includes...
di Kathryn Harper, Gabrielle Pritchard A fun course to get young children ready to learn in English. Themed units - from 'homes' to 'play time' - teach children letters, colours, numbers and more. Each book covers one term and includes...
di Kathryn Harper, Gabrielle Pritchard A fun course to get young children ready to learn in English. Themed units - from 'homes' to 'play time' - teach children letters, colours, numbers and more. Each book covers one term and includes...
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