di Niamh Humphreys, Susan Kingsley Embark on a journey beyond the traditional boundaries between exam preparation and real-world language with Open World Preliminary. A unique exam journey in the Student's Book maximises students'...
di Natasha de Souza Complete First for Schools is the most thorough preparation for B2 First for Schools. The Workbook without answers provides further practice of language and vocabulary introduced in the Student's...
di Montse Watkin, Claire Medwell Fun preparation for Pre A1 Starters covers the skills you need to be ready on exam day. Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide you through...
di Mike Gould, Marilyn Rankin Updated and fully aligned with the Cambridge International AS & A Level English Language 9093 syllabus for examination 2021. This coursebook helps students take an active approach to developing and...
di Mick Randall, Barbara Thornton This book is aimed at all those responsible for advising teachers including teaching practice supervisors, mentors, INSET tutors, state education inspectors, directors of studies, and teachers...
di Mick Gammidge This lively resource book encourages students to expand their speaking skills using role play, problem solving, puzzles, games, interviews, storytelling and discussion. Many of the speaking...
di Michael Strachan Skills focussed series, working towards endorsement, for examination from 2023; inspired by teachers, for teachers This practical write-in workbook with digital access is the perfect companion to the...
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