di Daniel T. Wise This text presents an introduction to the geometric group theory associated with nonpositively curved cube complexes. It advocates the use of cube complexes to understand the fundamental groups of...
di This volume is based on lectures delivered at the 2011 AMS Short Course on Computational Topology, held January 4-5, 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The aim of the volume is to provide a broad...
di Laszlo Lovasz Recently, it became apparent that a large number of the most interesting structures and phenomena of the world can be described by networks. To develop a mathematical theory of very large networks is...
di Maciej Zworski \'Semiclassical Analysis\' provides PDE techniques based on the classical-quantum (particle-wave) correspondence. These techniques include such well-known tools as geometric optics and the...
di John B. Walsh An Introduction to Probability. Panoramic view of Probability Theory, starting from basic facts to Markov chains, culminating with Brownian motion.
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