di Alexei Poltoratski The Uncertainty Principle in Harmonic Analysis (UP) is a classical, yet rapidly developing, area of modern mathematics. These notes are devoted to the so-called Toeplitz approach to UP which recently...
di Alek Vainshtein, Michael Shapiro, Michael Gekhtman The first book devoted to cluster algebras, this work contains chapters on Poisson geometry and Schubert varieties; an introduction to cluster algebras and their main properties; and geometric...
di This volume is based on lectures delivered at the 2011 AMS Short Course on Computational Topology, held January 4-5, 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The aim of the volume is to provide a broad...
di Contains papers presented at the \'Workshop on Singularities in PDE and the Calculus of Variations\' at the CRM in July 2006. The main theme of the meeting was the formation of geometrical...
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